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Blood Inheritance (The Lazarus Hunter Series Book 1) Read online

Page 24

  'Until now.'

  'No, not even now. You may have me handcuffed like a criminal with a gun to the back of my head, but I will not be surprised if someone turns up to save me.' He took a step forwards as Dennis pushed the gun further into his neck and placed a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him going.

  'Get moving Ivan, no one is coming to save you.'

  'You can't be sure of that. You are nothing. A nobody in this family, Dennis. It's only luck that placed you as a glorified servant to someone who came into such power by chance.'

  'So you say. But no one even knows you're here, so why are they going to come here to save you, even if they wanted to?'

  'You think you are loyal Dennis, but my followers know what it's like to have a real leader. Someone who believes in what is right, someone who is part of something old and noble. You don't know what it's like to have a leader whose bloodline is so pure it can be traced back to the very origins of our family. I bet you don't know just how impure Monica's blood is, do you? She is not fit to be the leader of our family. And you have disgraced yourself by aligning yourself with her. When my time comes, when you see that I am the true leader of this family and she is nothing more than a harlot dressed as a—'

  Ivan was cut off by a loud crack that echoed all around them in the darkness of the desert night.

  'God, that man loves the sound of his own voice doesn't he?' sighed Dennis as Ivan dropped down to his knees and then face — what was left of it — down into the sand.

  'Not so much anymore,' gulped Monica.

  'I can't believe I just did that.' Dennis looked at the gun in his hand, almost as if he was surprised to see it there. He took a few steps back and she followed him.

  'I thought that you were going to walk him a little bit further into the trees before you shot him.'

  'Admit it, you didn't think that I was actually going to shoot him at all did you?'

  'I had my doubts. I knew I should be the one to do it, not you.'

  'I wasn't going to let you. Do you have any idea how much I risked for you tonight?'

  'Dennis, I would never let the council see you hang for this. You stood by me. That's not treason.'

  'The council? Who cares about them? But a black dude dressed like this in the middle of the night? It's like begging for a cop to shoot me without asking any questions.'

  'I don't know what I did to deserve a friend as good as you Dennis.'

  'I'm sure you'll get to pay me back at some point.'

  'You believe me don't you? That the only reason I didn't tell you about all of this was because I didn't want to drag you down with me.'

  'I know. But really, that was my call.'

  'So what do we do now?'

  'We leave him here. If his blood really is as pure as he kept going on about, then the sun is going to have him all crisped up before noon.'

  'Niiiiice. Where did you get the wetsuit idea from anyway?' Monica looked over at him again, his broad shoulders accentuated by the skin-tight material. As was everything else, for that matter. Under normal circumstances, she knew most women would positively swoon at the sight. Here though, away from the water, he still just looked faintly ridiculous.

  'Something Elizabeth said to me when we were on our way to the pier. They'd bandaged their wounds to reduce the smell of their injuries. It made me realise we rely so much on smell that we forget about it. It's just second nature. But there was no way I could lie in wait for you without either of you noticing. So I borrowed this from a friend who likes to surf in California in the summer.'

  'Clever. I stand by what I said though. It's not a flattering look for you. I prefer a suit. It's not that scary either, really.'

  'It did the job, didn't it?' he shrugged, as if standing there was the most natural thing in the world.

  The two of them walked over to where Ivan lay, and Dennis removed the handcuffs. He used his foot to roll the dead man over onto his back. 'I can't believe that he's really dead.'

  'I can't believe that you killed him.'

  'I can't believe you actually thought you'd be able to.'

  'Neither can I. It doesn't feel real. Like I'm actually caught in some kind of scary movie and any second now he's going to open his eyes and jump up.'

  Dennis took a step forward and re-aimed the gun, pulling the trigger once with deadly accuracy and placing another bullet in the dead centre of Ivan's forehead.

  'Jesus, Dennis! I didn't mean that you had to do that.'

  'I was doing it for my own peace of mind as much as yours.'

  'Does this mean that it's all over now?'

  'I doubt it.'

  'I wonder if Elizabeth is okay?'

  'There's no way you'll get any kind of signal on your phone out here. That was one of the reasons why I decided on this place. But if everything has gone to plan then she should have her father's journals in her possession by now.'

  'Please tell me that she didn't go alone?'

  'No, she was going to take Garth with her.'

  'I'm not sure that actually fills me with any confidence.'

  'How can you say that? He's really come through for us over the past few days.'

  'I know, that's what worries me. I didn't mean it like it sounded. I just mean that they've gone through so much over the past few days, and you and I both know that a human doesn't heal as fast as we do.'

  'Especially one who has been drained of blood fairly recently. You want to talk to me about that?'

  'I'm not sure that I do.'

  They began to walk back to the car in silence, and Monica knew Dennis was giving her the time to process what she wanted to say. Only been moments earlier she had been thinking they needed to get things back on track between the two of them, and now she was instantly closing up when it came to it. She would probably benefit from discussing it with him, and she definitely wanted to get it off her chest. Yet, at the same time, it felt somehow like a betrayal.

  'So?' prompted Dennis eventually.

  'So, what?'

  'What happened?'

  'I tried to get her to call you. I don't think you realised how bad I was when you left.'

  'Oh, I knew that you were in pretty bad shape.'

  'I think I was worse than even you realised. I felt like I was dying.'

  'Well, like I said, you were in pretty bad shape.'

  'No, it was more than that. I felt like I was slipping away. Actually dying.' It felt strange, saying the words out loud. Almost as if confessing them could take her back to the brink of death.

  'So what happened?' They reached the car and leaned against it, looking out across the clearing and the faint lump that they both knew was Ivan.

  'I tried to get her to call you. I needed you to bring someone over.'

  'I only didn't answer because I was feeding myself.'

  'The bag didn't work. I needed something much stronger. I needed proper fresh human blood.'

  'So why didn't she just keep calling me?'

  'She thought I was too far gone. That there wasn't time. Looking back on it now, I think she was right. I was that close, Dennis. That close. It was a terrifying feeling. Seeing the end. Feeling it in every cell of my body.'

  'So she let you feed from her when you asked?'

  'She offered.'

  'That's something pretty serious there, you know.'

  'I know.'

  'Given who she is and what she's been through, to offer you her wrist like that would have been a pretty major thing to do. The girl's got balls, I'll give her that.'

  'She didn't offer me her wrist.'


  'She offered me her neck.'


  'I know.'

  The two of them lapsed into silence again. It was a big confession, and Monica knew that on some level it changed things. Not only how he would think of Elizabeth, but also what he would think of her.

  'So, how was it?' he asked eventually.

  'That sounds so wrong coming from a man
wearing a wetsuit and carrying handcuffs.'

  'You know what I mean. Look at you. You can hardly tell that anything happened to you. You must've drunk a lot.'

  'I don't think so. It was hard to tell. My head was more concerned with the not dying part of things, and I felt so weak.' There was no reason to tell him about the second time.

  'She's pretty special you know. I don't know what it is about her, but there's something different.'

  'Elverez said something similar.'

  'He knows a lot, that man.'

  'Well, he's been around longer than most of us.'

  'I don't just mean that. He was closes counsel to your predecessor. He sits on the Council of Elders meetings, even though he's not technically one of them.'

  'I know it's odd,' Monica shrugged, 'but no one ever questions it.'

  'That's pretty odd in itself.'

  'So? I feel like I need all of the help that I can get.'

  'True.' Dennis didn't look convinced.

  'Maybe things will change now that he's dead.' She nodded in the direction of Ivan's body. 'What are we going to do about that by the way?'

  'Do about what?'

  'The fact that Ivan is dead and I'm not.'

  'Stick to the original plan. It was a trap. You survived, and with it the honour and sanctity of the family. Ivan wasn't so lucky, and died defending the honour of you and the family. That was the story that Elizabeth span to me.'

  'It doesn't sound that great now you've said it out loud.'

  'It paints Ivan in a much better light than he deserves. So it's bound to sound false to us. But what is anyone else going to say? They can hardly call you out for praising the man and bestowing on him such a great honour.'

  'I suppose we had better head back then. If you're sure he's dead.'

  'I am. But we can't head back yet. There's something we need to do first.'

  'Like what?'

  'See, this is why you need include me when you make plans. You just aren't devious enough.'

  'I'm not sure that's a bad thing is it? Wouldn't you be more concerned if they came naturally to me? Especially when they involve killing someone in my own family.'

  'A fair point, but you look in pretty good shape for someone who has had a fight to the death. That makes your story a little less plausible when you saunter in without a scratch on you.'

  'Well, Mr Know-It-All, in the original plan it was probably going to be an actual fight to the death, so I wouldn't have had to fake any part of it.' She tipped her head back to look at the stars, suddenly weary of all the subterfuge. 'Do you know how tiring it gets to be constantly beaten up?'

  'It's for your own good.'

  'People seem to forget that I have an actual job as well as being in this family. I am seriously starting to push the boundaries of what is acceptable for flexible working practices.'

  'You could just tell them that you've taken up boxing. And that you've discovered that you're not very good at. Isn't that one of the things I've seen listed on your resume? Tenacity in the face of adversity?'

  'I'm not the only one who is going to get punched at this rate.'

  'You know that I'm only doing it for your own good. And I will make sure that I only do over your face.'

  'Wow, I've never known anything sound less reassuring in my entire life.'

  'I'm being serious okay? Don't think for a second that I want to do this. But I'll only go for the obvious spots where people will be able to see. You'll have to make the rest up for yourself, maybe walk with a limp and clutch your side?'

  'I've been through enough of the real thing over the past two weeks that I know exactly what I have to do to fake it.'

  'You might as well roll around on the floor a bit first.'

  'You've got to be kidding me?'

  'There's no way that you could have a fight out here without getting covered in dirt. You might as well do it now. That way it will be faded and ground in. It's much more authentic that way.'

  'I actually alarmed at just how much you've thought this through.'

  'Monica, people are going to be looking for any indication you are lying. This is all smoke and mirrors. Ivan's followers won't just give up. We have to do everything we can to re-assert your authority as the head of the family. If we can convince them that he was wrong, and that you really are strong enough to be the leader, then that will just be another thing in our favour.'

  'Have I ever told you that I hate it when you're right all the time?' sighed Monica, tearing the sleeve of her jacket as she lay on the floor and began to roll around. 'I feel such an idiot.'

  'You do? I'm the guy wearing a wetsuit in the middle of the night.'

  'This dirty enough?' she asked, standing back up.

  'Looks good to me. Now, promise me that you're not going to hit me back?'

  'I'll do my best.'

  'I'm being serious. Instinct is going to try to get you to kick my ass. I really don't want you to do that.'

  'I told you I'd try my best. Come on Dennis, let's get this over with.'

  She closed her eyes so that she would not see the approach of his fist. Even though she knew it was coming, the shock of his hand breaking the cartilage of her nose dropped her to her knees.

  Monica lay there, forcing herself not to get up, as Dennis rained blows onto her face until she thought she was going to pass out from the pain.

  The last thing she could remember thinking was that he didn't really feel like he was her friend after all. Suddenly she realised she had left it too late to fight back anyway.


  Dennis had really done a number on her. That was all Monica could think as she sat in the passenger seat, heading back into the city. Out of her one eye she stared at the phone sitting in her lap, desperately waiting for there to be a signal bar, no matter how faint.

  She didn't know if Dennis had some serious pent-up aggression that he'd needed to get out, if he didn't know his own strength, or if he was just doing what he said he was going to do and make it look believable. But her one eye was so swollen she could barely open it, and the cheek under the good one didn't feel that great either.

  'I'm sorry,' said Dennis, as if he could sense what she was thinking. 'I know it hurts now, but you'll be a thousand times better in the morning. We can head back to the Council of Elders and deliver the news, then get you back to your apartment. Trust me, you'll feel a lot different in the morning.

  'You'd better make sure that you get me something to eat then on the way back. I hardly think I'm in a fit state to win anyone over.'

  'What about Elizabeth?' he asked cautiously.

  'That was a one time deal only.'

  'Your choice.'

  'No, her choice actually, and I prefer it if you didn't mention it in front of her. Things are awkward as it is.' Monica glanced at her cell again. 'Finally. A signal.'

  She scrolled through the list of numbers and dialled, praying that the phone on the other end would actually pick up. She wasn't worried any more about how late it was.

  'Hello? Monica?' The voice answered.

  'Yeah, it's me.'

  'Are you okay? Is Dennis with you?'

  'He's here. And I'm okay.'

  'Really? Because you sound a little bit shaky.'

  'I'm alive. A little bit worse for wear, but I'm alive.'

  'And Ivan?'

  'Ivan is dead.' A pause as the words echoed in her ears, unreal again. 'Dennis told me about the sudden change in plan.'

  'It's kind of a funny story. But tonight I came back without a single scratch on me for once.'

  'So they were a no show, huh?'

  'Exactly the opposite in fact.'

  'Now you've confused me. You're going to have to spell it out for me. Dennis has knocked me around the head so hard I think I might have concussion.'


  'You'll know how serious I'm being when you see me. So what went down?'

  'I'll explain later. I think it would be safer to head ov
er to your apartment, if that's okay?'

  'Sure, but why?'

  'I just don't feel like the hotel is secure enough. I have the journals, and after everything we've been through to get them, I don't want to lose them now.'

  'I have to go to the Council of Elders first and deliver the bad news. I'll give you a call when I leave.'

  'Okay. And Monica? Stay focused. Don't screw it up now.'

  Like she needed telling twice.


  Elizabeth wasn't at all surprised when Dennis opened the door to Monica's apartment. Monica had sounded in pretty bad shape. The true extent of what Dennis had done to her was only fully revealed once Elizabeth walked through the door with the box of her father's journals in her arms. Garth followed her in, and they both gasped in horror when they saw her sitting on the sofa, a hot cup of coffee in her hand, and her face pretty much one big bruise. Monica was barely recognisable.

  'What the hell?' said Elizabeth.

  'I feel really awful about it,' said Dennis. 'Straight afterwards I thought I'd overdone it. I never thought it would look this bad.'

  'I think it's pretty clear that you've overdone it,' Elizabeth snapped, shoving the box into his hands and making her way over to the couch. She knelt in front of Monica and surveyed the damage.

  'Don't worry,' Monica said with an attempt at a smile that turned into a wince. 'It's not as bad as it looks, and it is only my face. Even with this, the Council were more than a little suspicious. Actually looking the part may have been the one thing that saved me.'

  'Do you think they bought it?'

  'The alternative was to call their leader a liar to her mashed up face. Most people would actually think twice about doing that, even if it they could back it up with cold hard facts. As it is, I crawled back in there, and as the victor of this so-called duel, I saved the honour of the family.'

  'It sounds like you really had to work at it.'

  'I did. And to be honest, I was really glad that Elverez was there. When I started to get shaky he jumped in a few times in that way he does. Probably saved me from tripping myself up. And Dennis got me some blood so tomorrow I will be good as new.'

  'I hope you are.' Elizabeth got the distinct impression Monica was trying to put her at ease. Good. She wasn't up for a repeat performance.